Trellie atlanta ga The Message it was me and my best friend waiting for the northbound train at East Point station when the train pulled up my friend decided she wanted to dance on the train and walk funny lol. she had on black and red with a bow and I had on blue and grey and my hair was long and curly laughing. I turned around to see who was laughing and saw you and I smiled we finally sat down you' were diagonally across from me. I turned to my friend and said ' my God he's so cute' you looked as if you were coming from the airport because tou had luggage. You had gorgeous blue eyes and blonde hair. I think you had on a white shirt. I took glances at you and smiled big and you did the same. my friend even noticed that you were staring but I was too scared to try and say hi. we had to get off at West End because I was headed to my school and I was talking about oh we're not going to make a1 o'clock bus so we can make this 1:05. I got off and looked back regretting not getting your #.. I hope I can see you again and exchange info. Something they should know? I was talking about school related stuff what was it about? A. Dorms B. GPA C. Hairstyle Date and time I blew my chance: 08/07/2015 @ 12:58
Note: In order for Trellie to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply. Question: I was talking about school related stuff what was it about? A. Dorms B. GPA C. Hairstyle Please enter your message