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The Message
Hi, I saw you working in Matalan. I was doing some last christmas shopping with my dad. When we entered the shop I noticed you straight away, I was amazed by your blue eyes and just couldn't stop looking at them everytime you walked past. I did notice that you were looking back and when we were about to pay you were at the till. While my dad was paying we kept swapping eyecontact. It wasnt until we had already left the shop that I realized I couldnt get that prittey face out of my head. I wanted to see you again so I went back. But unfortunatly you were no where to be found! I don't have much hope of you finding this but it's my last try... You were brown haired blue eyed about 1,50- 1,60m about 20 or 21 i guess but was hard to tell maybe younger or older... I am brown blondish 1,70m green eyed and bearded

Something they should know?
do you know at wich cashier you were serving me?

Date and time I blew my chance: 24/12/2015 @ 13:30
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Question: do you know at wich cashier you were serving me?
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