david lea Slough, united kingdom My Description: glasses short white hair slim guy blue coat Describe the person you are trying to find? you walked into the lobby of the nationwide building society, went to the machine beside me, you had two books to deal with at the machine I should have offered to hold them for you. What attracted you to them? Her amazing long black hair with high lites but could have been natural grey high heels you were short girl under 5'6" but I love short girls. What were they or you doing when you saw them, did you interact in anyway? we looked at each other you opened you beautiful big eyes we walked out of the lobby you turned to the left you walked across the street you turned and watched but I didn't go after you which I regretfollowing you I went to find you but you were gone How often have you seen them? Only once What do you want to say to them? we jut looked at each other you opened your eyes I don't know if it was a go away look it was to me but you later turned to see me walk away feel an idiot for it Something they should know? what was the name of the bank we saw each other Date and time I blew my chance: 14/01/2016
Tags: long black hairblonde highlites naturalgrey high heel bootsholding two booksNation wide High street Slough
Note: In order for david lea to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply. Question: what was the name of the bank we saw each other Please enter your message