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The Message
Q train. I got on at Oceanview and imediately when our eyes met and you smiled, i felt the connection. i really badly wanted to talk to u or even just get your # but i couldnt w my fam right there. you had a beautiful smile and that wink you gave me. i dont kno if you will ever see this but you honestly made my day and i havent been able to stop thinkin abt u since. u were w ur little brother. i was wearing a white shirt w shorts and would love to get to kno u. the vibe and feelin i got from u was breathtaking tbh. :) when you got off and gave me that last smile, it stook w me.

Something they should know?
Who did you get up and give your seat to ?

Date and time I blew my chance: 19/06/2016 @ 07:00
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Question: Who did you get up and give your seat to ?
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