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The Message
Hi I'm the girl who was sitting in front of you on the train. You were sitting uncomfortably because of all my stuff that was blocking the way. We didn't talk on the train. Our feet met for a while .I was reading the whole train route. When I was off, you followed me and told me "I know, I know it's crazy but I saw you on the train and I think you're really nice". I was nervous I I took my bags in my hands again and told you "thanks" after that you were gone. I wanted to tell you that "I don't mind a coffee" and that I was aware of you the whole time. When you asked me I was too nervous I didn't mean a "no". Please find me ! Search for me E-mail:

Something they should know?
What was I wearing?How do I look like? Where did you ask my exactly?

Date and time I blew my chance: 11/03/2017 @ 14:20
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Question: What was I wearing?How do I look like? Where did you ask my exactly?
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