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phoenix arizona
The Message
American Airlines to MKE I was half a sleep and oblivious and now which I had said something instead of just smiling. We sat across from each other in terminal chairs on way to Milwaukee.T hen when you sat on the end Isle across form me and I was in the middle seat (of two other woman) of the set across and we exchanges looks now and then. You were watching Civil War and Indian Videos on your computer. You had a blue and white checkered shirt on and than sperry deck shoes. You stood up to let someone who who needed the seat next to you and and had a a great smile I noticed. I had a Taupe jacket, white t shirt jeans and black tennis shoes. Anyway, I regret not saying hello to start a conversation.

Something they should know?
Flight Number

Date and time I blew my chance: 29/09/2017 @ 09:30
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