Legs11 London My Description: I was wearing black and grey leggings and a black top. Describe the person you are trying to find? You are tall, muscular build with dark curly hair, beard & moustache. You were dressed casual. What attracted you to them? Really nice smile when st What were they or you doing when you saw them, did you interact in anyway? Sunday Oct 1st, I was standing behind you in the queue, eager to pay for an item to get to another shop before it closed. You kept looking around @ me and I had no clue were interested (you, much younger & so handsome) You asked me if I wanted to go in front of you. I said "yes" with glee:) & was very thankful Another till was free before ours, so I went there instead...I finished paying for my item & headed for the door...You stopped me & with a nice smile on your handsome face, asked me for my number...I was shocked & shy...I stupidly uttered "No...I'm married." I LIED!!..I'm sorry...You have crossed my mind every day since. Really hope you see this message. How often have you seen them? Only once What do you want to say to them? I shouldn't have lied...I was just feeling shy and and a little surprised. This ebony lady with the legs you seemed to be admiring, would really like to hear from you. Something they should know? Where did you stop me to ask for my number? Date and time I blew my chance: 01/10/2017 @ 17:45
Note: In order for Legs11 to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply. Question: Where did you stop me to ask for my number? Please enter your message