kramer winston salem The Message To teal you how beautiful you are is what I wanted to say to you every time I past buy you with my tray of popcorn, but all I could do is smile at you're beautiful face. I was hoping to talk to you after the show but you left to soon ): hope to reed from you soon. Sign: the hand balancing popcorn guy Something they should know? What was the hair color of your friend. (women siting next to you). And what's you're eye color. Date and time I blew my chance: 22/09/2013 @ 06:30
Note: In order for kramer to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply. Question: What was the hair color of your friend. (women siting next to you). And what's you're eye color. Please enter your message