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The Message
I was giving a speech, which I did not plan. You were standing there for the whole time, sometimes nodding or smiling. I would love to meet you again as I had the feeling you wanted to talk, yet didn't. I was giving a speech about peace against Muslims and Christians at Hyde Park corner, august 2013. I do not know the exact date anymore, but I do know you went off on a hired bike haha. You had blond curly hair and if my memory serves me right, blue eyes and a white shirt or something x'D. I'm a girl ^^. Hopefully I can meet you once again, as I was a tourist at that date. (Not a second chance to impress you, more like to be able to talk haha x'D )

Something they should know?
To be sure that it's you, I would like to ask you if you remember my hair colour x'D. Such a silly question, I know.

Date and time I blew my chance: 14/08/2013 @ 17:00
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Question: To be sure that it's you, I would like to ask you if you remember my hair colour x'D. Such a silly question, I know.
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