2dSpecial1 Arlington,TX,USA The Message You were the white gentleman, I hope you see this and remember me. I really wanted you to know this ever since the first moment I saw you, please find me, I wanted to tell you something. Something they should know? If this is you please tell me about what color was your skin and during what part of the day did we saw each other Date and time I blew my chance: Saw you: Only once
Tags: in Target 76015,USAat Target 76015,TX,USAwe saw each other @Target760152k14@Target,TX,USAIn Target
Note: In order for 2dSpecial1 to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply. Question: If this is you please tell me about what color was your skin and during what part of the day did we saw each other Please enter your message