MadGirl Nottingham The Message I really regret not asking for your number. You were sat next to me at the Madness gig on Thursday. I was with my son, we chatted for most of the night especially when my son fell asleep. I had to leave quickly at the end before the music had finished so I didn't get chance to ask for your number which I regretted as soon as I had left. I hope you see this, and maybe we could meet up for a drink. Something they should know? How old am I? What had I bought my son from the merch shop? And did I leave before the encore? Date and time I blew my chance: 13/12/2018 @ 20:52
Note: In order for MadGirl to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply. Question: How old am I? What had I bought my son from the merch shop? And did I leave before the encore? Please enter your message