adriana Aarhus, Denmark My Description: light brown hair, blue eyes. Dark blue jacket. I was sitting just in his right side for a couple minutes. I had a colorful backpack. I was reading a Michelle Obama's Becoming book. Describe the person you are trying to find? US military soldier. Tall, strong, blonde hair and blue eyes. young( 20-ish) What attracted you to them? everything. Can't really explain. I guess carisma, charm, attitude, confidence, good-looks What were they or you doing when you saw them, did you interact in anyway? we sat next to each other for 3 minutes, because I mixed up my seat with someone else's. I saw him before that, but I don't think he noticed me How often have you seen them? Only once What do you want to say to them? hey, you! I'm so sorry I met you like that.. In a boarding line, in an airport. Maybe in other circumstances, I would've had a real chance. I've never felt that for a stranger. You made me feel like in paradise, even if I saw you just for a couple minutes. I know it sounds silly... it is... I know you're never going to read this- don't even know why I'm doing this- and I'm such a fool I didn't take a chance when I had you close. Who knows where you are now...In my fantasies, we took a lot of chances, but that's going to be just a dream locked up inside my mind. I only know you're a soldier in the US army and you're deadly handsome. I couldn't get you out of my mind... believe me, I tried. You're the one I'm thinking about... and the stuff that could've happened if I stayed next to you in that flight. So, to be straight to you: I'm just a girl cursed to desire every inch of you under her breath. I want you passionately. I wanted you since I first stared into those eyes Something they should know? what was your seat number in that plane to Dallas? Date and time I blew my chance: 02/01/2019
Note: In order for adriana to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply. Question: what was your seat number in that plane to Dallas? Please enter your message