hollyqueen England My Description: I’m about 1 meter 50, I’m pale, skinny...not skinny enough to go to the hospital but skinny enough to not be proud but I’m trying my best to reach my goal, brown straight maybe wavy hair, brown eyes, I had plaits for a few days too, pink towel, always wore sunglasses (my eyes water very easily) floral swimming suit that covered my shoulders, had a ring on when we reached day 6 out of 7 I think. Describe the person you are trying to find? He’s young, dark hair, light eyes, into water polo, the hockey games at gaming rooms and anything sporty. I think he has a sister or if she was a family friend, she was blonde and blue eyes, mother I think had red hair. What attracted you to them? At first, I didn’t really notice you until we made eye contact a few times...which made me a bit awkward but then I started to realise that your sweet, funny and cute about 2 days before we had to go back home in England, also made eye contact on the airplane... What were they or you doing when you saw them, did you interact in anyway? Once you saw me when you were playing water polo, gaming room and when you threw a bouncy ball onto my cardigan, you also saw me upset sat down talking about my anxiety. How often have you seen them? Every day at various times What do you want to say to them? If this is you, you probably don’t like me in that way but I will give you a hint of who I am, I have brown hair and brown eyes, pale and skinny...those are the things I don’t like about me but I’m getting to my goal. I wore like a patterned flowery swimming suit that covers my shoulders. Just wants to say that you seem really sweet and also if it was you that I bumped into with my float...sorry I didn’t realise because the wind was pushing my float until I felt a bump then a push which probably made me go red because of how awkward I felt without saying sorry, people say I look mean but trust me I’m not...depends who you are lol. Something they should know? I will ask a few. What bus did you take? What airline did you take? Did you see me with a family member, if you did what did he/she look like? Date and time I blew my chance: 21/04/2019
Note: In order for hollyqueen to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply. Question: I will ask a few. What bus did you take? What airline did you take? Did you see me with a family member, if you did what did he/she look like? Please enter your message