Gary M Chandigarh, India The Message Hello... You were this gorgeous and elegant looking lady walk passed by me while I was on my way to Ram Jhoola dham in Rishikesh for the evening Aaarti. You had black hair, Bob cut, big eyes, nice height, walking alone in elegant dress. We met again same day just greeting each other. After 2 days we met in the market in the daytime, you were in a jeans jacket. I greeted you and you recalled seeing me. You said you are from US. We wished goodbye and I can't stop thinking about you everafter. Wish I could meet you again!!! Something they should know? Do you remember my cap... Date and time I blew my chance: 15/11/2019 @ 16:30
Note: In order for Gary M to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply. Question: Do you remember my cap... Please enter your message