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The Message
Dear Abigail from Brixton, (I know that is your name because my friend overheard your bald male friend calling you it!) I'd just arrived in London and you came barrelling over to me and my friend full of amazing confidence and energy. Your kindness and also playful teasing, having me backed up against a tree, came out of literally nowhere and is an absolutely amazing thing to have happened to me. We briefly played at arm wrestling, and you kissed me. All in the space of a few minutes. And then I asked if you had snapchat, your male friend said no (!) you were silent and i didn't take the opportunity to give you my snapchat regardless, or indeed any other kind of contact. What you did touched me so deeply that i had a big drunk cry about it later in the night, because of how wonderful it was that you'd randomly be so amazing to me. Even if it progresses no further it will be a treasured memory up there with the very best in my life. :*) I'm a massively submissive "simp" guy haha, and basically I just think you're awesome. Please be in touch, bestie. I shall withhold where i'm from which was a conversation point which would prove that you were the same person. My snapchat is parkrundude90 if you were to download the app. I'm kicking myself for not just dropping it to you in case. Thankyou for seriously brightening up my life. Angel Abigail from Brixton. :*) x

Something they should know?
Where am I from?

Date and time I blew my chance: 01/08/2020 @ 22:40
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