Skimmer shrewsbury Uk The Message Hi, I'm the artist you met today in an old street in Rhodes. As soon as you had disappeared I realised I hadn't even got your name or phone number and I thought you were so amazingly attractive!! I was kicking myself all the way home on the bus and now, for missing my chance! Completely stupid of me ... I get completely focussed when I'm painting and I was rushing. Then I was rather distracted by your beautiful figure, face and smile. It was romantic but then you had gone! I searched but couldn't find you. I think from your slight accent that you are German, Swiss perhaps Scandinavian. Well, it would be great if you got in touch and we could get to know each other better. My name is John and email is Something they should know? What colour dress were you wearing? How many times had we both been to Rhodes? Date and time I blew my chance: 16/10/2020 @ 17:30
Note: In order for Skimmer to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply. Question: What colour dress were you wearing? How many times had we both been to Rhodes? Please enter your message