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geneve, suisse
The Message
You are a stunning blond and crossed in the line 24 in Lucerne. I was travelling with colleagues (French speakers). You were standing, and we exchanged few smiles. I said bye in exiting the bus. I’m brown hair, tall, was wearing a green jacket… I would love to see you again !! A bottle in the web ocean, better than nothing … Kisses.

Something they should know?
You were standing, facing the exit door in the middle of the bus. I was refraining people to exit sometimes, and we smiled about it … got a crush on you !!

Date and time I blew my chance: 03/06/2024 @ 18:30
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Question: You were standing, facing the exit door in the middle of the bus. I was refraining people to exit sometimes, and we smiled about it … got a crush on you !!
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