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Glasgow, Scotland
The Message
We met on the foot path between Crow Road and Clarence Drive in the West End of Glasgow on 9 May at about 4.30pm. I was out walking my puppy, Maisie. You were walking behind us. When you tried to pass us, Maisie jumped up at you and you stopped to cuddle her. We then had a nice chat. We both felt a connection and exchanged first names, then you asked for my number. You could sense that I was nervous and offered to give me yours. You also asked if I was on Whatsapp. I have regretted ever since that I didn't give you my number (our meeting was so unexpected and I was a bit overwhelmed!). Before we parted on Clarence Drive I said that it was lovely to meet you and that I hoped we would meet again. You then walked towards Broomhill Cross and I walked in the opposite direction. I'm so sorry I didn't give you my number. I would really like to see you again and have the chance for us to get to know each other better.

Something they should know?
Please tell me your first name to confirm that it's you. Do you remember my first name? What did you reach out to do before we parted? (I misunderstood (cultural difference!) and didn't respond properly!).

Date and time I blew my chance: 09/05/2024 @ 16:30
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Note: In order for Maisieandme to be sure that you are who you say you are; don‘t forget to answer the following question in your your reply.

Question: Please tell me your first name to confirm that it's you. Do you remember my first name? What did you reach out to do before we parted? (I misunderstood (cultural difference!) and didn't respond properly!).
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