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gurnee, IL
The Message
Hi, this is Shelby (remember the girl who said her birthday was in 5 days) from the winter retreat at Lake Geneva Youth Camp this past weekend (01/31/25 to 02/02/25). It was fun playing ping pong together and getting to know you on Saturday. I was gonna say goodbye and ask for your contact information Sunday morning but our churches were doing different things, and then we left. If you see this, it’s a small chance but maybe you will…please reply so we can chat/see eachother again.

Something they should know?
What was the name of my friend we played ping pong with or what did she look like?

Date and time I blew my chance: 02/02/2025 @ 11:23
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Question: What was the name of my friend we played ping pong with or what did she look like?
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