Related Tags Alan from Georgia US...Fishermans Wharf,San...Pier Market restaura...Pier Market,Fisherma...San Francisco CA USA
Your search location is set to Worldwide. Update search location: Pebble Category: All Categories Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl Tag Filters: Fishermans Wharf,San Francisco XPier Market restaurant Pier 39 XSan Francisco CA USA X
Your search location is set to Worldwide. Update search location: Pebble Category: All Categories Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl
retired Atlanta, GA area USA Hello to Carol from Frankfurt, Germany. This is Alan from Georgia, USA: We met 9/8/2018 at Pier Market restaurant, Pier 39, Fishermans Wharf, San Francisco, CA, USA. We had dinner at the bar, about 7:00 pm, CA USA time. As I remember very pleasant conversation. You were going back to Frankfurt the next morning. Regrettably, I failed to ask for your contact information. Since it would seem a shame for a rare meeting such as this to simply never hear from you, I am sending this note to see how you've been and indeed if you feel inclined to answer. Til then, My best regards, Alan. Blew my chance on 09/08/2018 @ 19:00 Tags: Alan from Georgia USAFishermans Wharf,San FranciscoPier Market restaurant Pier 39Pier Market,Fishermans WharfSan Francisco CA USA
Tags: Alan from Georgia USAFishermans Wharf,San FranciscoPier Market restaurant Pier 39Pier Market,Fishermans WharfSan Francisco CA USA