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Siem Reap Cambodia
We saw each other in the Temple club located at pub street in Siem Reap Cambodia. I came to dance with you because you seemed to dance alone that time, so you took my hands and we dance together. As I guess right you came here with your friend, u wore white shirt and I wore dark red blouse <3 i saw u playing your phone seem like chatting someone then u walked out the dance stage :( I thought you were Chinese or sth but I’m not sure It was a short time on that night and I can’t stop looking for you in the club that night. Honestly I still thinking about it and who do you think you are to make a connection with me then leave me hanging like this :( Am I crazy about this quick one night dance ? Lol I don’t know but I hope u come here to find me too . Blew my chance on 24/03/2018 @ 23:00
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