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Berlin Germany
We met friday night at the subway station Frankfurter Tor where you asked me and a friend of mine for directions to Franz-Neumann-Platz. I said that i have to go In the same direction to Osloer Straße so we could go together. So we got out at Alexander Platz and had to wait about 10 min before U8 was arriving. We had a nice chitchat about this and that (rent prices in Berlin I think ;)) and you told me your from Istanbul. On the Train we kept talking were we Talked about our miserable love lives ;) and you told me our name was Oya. I too told you my name, Moritz. I found you really interesting and enjoyed talking to you and i think that feeling was mutual. Unfortunately we arrived at my station too fast to build up enough Confidence to ask you for your number. I instantly regretted this when .i got of the Train. wanted to punch myself in the face for being so cowardly. So this is a long shot but if you should read this and you feel like seeing me again please write me back. I will check the Site regularly Blew my chance on 25/09/2021 @ 02:30
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