Your search location is set to Worldwide. Update search location: Pebble Category: All Categories Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl Tag Filters: berlin XNew years eve XSilvester X
Your search location is set to Worldwide. Update search location: Pebble Category: All Categories Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl
Patrick Berlin I met a girl on new years eve in Berlin. We had eye contact for a couple of times because we stood close to each other. I have some pictures of you to remember how you looked. You had that pretty face and worn a red hat that day. Just when you started dancing in front of me I had to leave... One little more thing. I screamed to a camera: Rufe mihr an. That was the moment where you laughed at me. Blew my chance on 31/12/2014 @ 00:00 Tags: berlinNew years eveSilvester