Related Tags Dandenong station/90...Dandenong stn/bus901...tall bald black back...Trench CoatWestall Pakenham coa...
Your search location is set to Worldwide. Update search location: Pebble Category: All Categories Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl Tag Filters: tall bald black back pack XDandenong station/901 bus XWestall Pakenham coach X
Your search location is set to Worldwide. Update search location: Pebble Category: All Categories Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Boy hoping for a second chance to impress a Boy Girl hoping for a second chance to impress a Girl
tallbaldgrumpy Melbourne, Victoria, Australia ...but I am not a good study of human behaviour or body language so I do not know much confidence or certainty there. Like a wimpy metrosexual, off I went to Anaconda to get my "on sale long undies. So if by fate LOVELY TRENCH COAT LADY you do end up reading this & did feel or sense a "something" about our 2 brief meeting & you can overlook my “retarded moron-colia”, I hope you will find a way & want to contact me...With a view 2@ some point meeting face 2 face, maybe you will let me buy you cake & a warm drink in some pleasant, populated setting. Maybe you were just being kind & I made more out of it in my mind behind my shields than it really was. But I am going to see what enterprise I can invent to give some possibility of us connecting. I have decided every few days I will do @ least one thing that might bring about a greater chance of seeing you again. I have decided to trust I will know when it is time to stop...last pebble 5of5 Blew my chance on 26/05/2016 @ 11:45 Tags: Dandenong station/901 busDandenong stn/bus901,Melb,Victall bald black back packTrench CoatWestall Pakenham coach
Tags: Dandenong station/901 busDandenong stn/bus901,Melb,Victall bald black back packTrench CoatWestall Pakenham coach
tallbaldgrumpy Melbourne, Victoria, Australia ...As best as I can guess, maybe you live in the Traralgon area, most likely within an 80km wide corridor between Pakenham & Traralgon. As I was processing this (I have slow processor), you asked where am I getting off, I said: "Westall". You said "I don't know that one" & we kind of realised @ the same time as I turned to view the overhead info display on the platform that I was on the wrong train (or the right train but wrong priorities -Westall being the wrong immediate priority along with the reasons I was getting off there, as the ache that persists in my chest over you might suggests). I wonder if & or when it will pass. I got up & I didn't even say good bye, moved by the urgency of getting off the train before the doors shut. I said something to the effect of "well I am glad I realised that in time" –what a dumb thing to say, this was not how I felt or what I was thinking @ all, but that is what came out. The moment I got up & turned my back on you to get off the train, that sick feeling washed over me that I was making a big mistake. This feeling still remains 12 days later. As I walked away, there was that voice in my head: "TURN BACK TURN BACK, WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!, the on sale thermal under-mentionables @ Anaconda can wait!!! MAN UP!, go back, sit down & talk with her!!!!? You seemed to want to talk with me,...see pebble 5 Blew my chance on 26/05/2016 @ 11:45 Tags: Dandenong station/901 busDandenong stn/bus901,Melb,Victall bald black back packTrench CoatWestall Pakenham coach
Tags: Dandenong station/901 busDandenong stn/bus901,Melb,Victall bald black back packTrench CoatWestall Pakenham coach
tallbaldgrumpy Melbourne, Victoria, Australia & a light wrist chain bracelet with little dolphins or something on it. I am wondering if you might have been left handed. The probability of you reading this or finding any of my "bread crumb" efforts is remote but I felt I needed to do something, to give some chance that I can talk with you again. If you do not make contact @ some point I will have to call my efforts "closure therapy" & let it go.You could be married, you might not be on face book (as you will find I barely am -ofcourse this will require an explanation).You might not look for me. You may not really be interested & possibly a cascade of other barriers & hurdles to my "too late" internal romance about u. I can't say I have met 2 many women in my life that I was genuinely attracted to. Nor have I ever become infatuated with a woman just on such a brief encounter. It is extremely unsettling. Either way, I need to do something. I don’t want to think back & wonder what if? @ very least I want 2b able 2 say I did all I could, post retardation :0) I am slim athletic build, tall-189cm 86kg, bald head, unshaven, 4u I would shave! :0). I was wearing faded blue jeans, black mid length synthetic overcoat & I had a black back pack, plain brown t-shirt, dark brown leather hike boots. As the bus approached Dandenong stn, I got up to put my pack on my back & with the bus unsmooth braking, I struggled to stand firm as I adjusted my pack, you got up & tried to help me I was facing away from u @ this point...see pebble 3 Blew my chance on 26/05/2016 @ 11:45 Tags: Dandenong station/901 busDandenong stn/bus901,Melb,Victall bald black back packTrench CoatWestall Pakenham coach
Tags: Dandenong station/901 busDandenong stn/bus901,Melb,Victall bald black back packTrench CoatWestall Pakenham coach
tallbaldgrumpy Melbourne, Victoria, Australia LOVELYTRENCHCOATLADY, PLEASE CONTACT TALLBALDGRUMPY BACKPACKMAN from Thursday 26 05 16. Bus 901-Dandenong stn. M: 0468 423 122 E: I met you on the bus coming into Dandenong stn. (melb airport bound) @ Kirkham rd, about 10 metres from The Frankston-Dandenong rd intersection, around 11:45am-12:45pm. I regret not asking your name or stopping to talk with you longer, rushing off the train without even having said good bye. I felt there was something special about u! I have not been able to put u out of my mind since. You are approx 170cm tall, wore a full length trench coat, cream or beige. Underneath a burgundy woollen jumper, black leather pants, black leather boots that I think came up just below the knees. You have long hair, perhaps to your shoulder blades, mousey brown, blonde? I think what’s call sandy blonde?. About 45+. You had a fantastic, warm smile, there was something open & engaging about u. I got on the bus, sat @ that front section (driver side), where the bank of seating is arranged off the wall on both sides facing in. I sat opposite you. The 1st moment our eyes met there was a mild smile on ur face. I did not smile, I just looked away, I was being socially retarded. I sneaked glances @ you when I thought u were not looking my way but I am terrible @ this & almost always get caught, you must of known. You had a gold ring on one finger, it had some kind of polished opaque stone in it...go to pebble 2 Blew my chance on 26/05/2016 @ 11:45 Tags: Dandenong station/901 busDandenong stn/bus901,Melb,Victall bald black back packTrench CoatWestall Pakenham coach
Tags: Dandenong station/901 busDandenong stn/bus901,Melb,Victall bald black back packTrench CoatWestall Pakenham coach